24 research outputs found

    Projecting Climate Dependent Coastal Flood Risk With a Hybrid Statistical Dynamical Model

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    ABSTRACT: Numerical models for tides, storm surge, and wave runup have demonstrated ability to accurately define spatially varying flood surfaces. However these models are typically too computationally expensive to dynamically simulate the full parameter space of future oceanographic, atmospheric, and hydrologic conditions that will constructively compound in the nearshore to cause both extreme event and nuisance flooding during the 21st century. A surrogate modeling framework of waves, winds, and tides is developed in this study to efficiently predict spatially varying nearshore and estuarine water levels contingent on any combination of offshore forcing conditions. The surrogate models are coupled with a time-dependent stochastic climate emulator that provides efficient downscaling for hypothetical iterations of offshore conditions. Together, the hybrid statistical-dynamical framework can assess present day and future coastal flood risk, including the chronological characteristics of individual flood and wave-induced dune overtopping events and their changes into the future. The framework is demonstrated at Naval Base Coronado in San Diego, CA, utilizing the regional Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS; composed of Delft3D and XBeach) as the dynamic simulator and Gaussian process regression as the surrogate modeling tool. Validation of the framework uses both in-situ tide gauge observations within San Diego Bay, and a nearshore cross-shore array deployment of pressure sensors in the open beach surf zone. The framework reveals the relative influence of large-scale climate variability on future coastal flood resilience metrics relevant to the management of an open coast artificial berm, as well as the stochastic nature of future total water levels.This work was funded by the Strategic Environmental Research Development Program (DOD/SERDP RC-2644). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. F. J. Mendez, A. Rueda, and L. Cagigal acknowledge the partial funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project Beach4cast PID2019-107053RB-I00. The authors thank the Scripps Center for Coastal Studies for their efforts to deploy, recover, and process surf zone pressure sensor data used as validation in this study. The authors thank Melisa Menendez for sharing GOW2 hindcast data for Southern California. The authors thank the sea-level rise projection authors for developing and making the sea-level rise projections available, multiple funding agencies for supporting the development of the projections, and the NASA Sea-Level Change Team for developing and hosting the IPCC AR6 Sea-Level Projection Tool

    Airborne manganese exposure differentially affects end points of oxidative stress in an age and sex-dependent

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    We assessed biochemical end points indicative of oxidative stress in five brain regions: cerebellum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, olfactory bulb, and striatum. Glutamine synthetase (GS) protein levels, metallothionein (MT) and GS mRNA levels, and total glutathione (GSH) levels were determined for all five regions. Although most brain regions in the three groups of animals were unaffected by manganese exposure in terms of GS protein levels, there was significantly increased protein (p<0.05) in the hippocampus and decreased protein in the hypothalamus of young male rats exposed to manganese phosphate as well as in the aged rats exposed to 0.1 mg/m 3 MnSO 4 . Conversely, GS protein was elevated in the olfactory bulb of females exposed to the high dose of MnSO 4 . Statistically significant decreases (p<0.05) in MT and GS mRNA as a result of manganese exposure were observed in the cerebellum, olfactory bulb, and hippocampus in the young male rats, in the hypothalamus in the young female rats, and in the hippocampus in the senescent males. Total GSH levels significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the olfactory bulb of manganese exposed young male rats and increased in the olfactory bulb of female rats exposed to manganese. Both the aged and young female rats had significantly decreased (p<0.05) GSH in the striatum resulting from manganese inhalation. The old male rats also had depleted GSH levels in the cerebellum and hypothalamus as a result of the 0.1-mg/m 3 manganese phosphate exposure. These results demonstrate that age and sex are variables that must be considered when assessing the neurotoxicity of manganese